Latest News
Hann Made Calls new production duck calls....
We are proud to announce Hann Made Calls products now makes a CNC production call. These new calls will have a consistent quality most retail stores and customers like to have. Check them out in the store and hopefully in a store near you....
Here come the long awaited turkey calls....

Hann Made Calls is happy to announce our new lines of turkey calls. We will be offering Slate/Glass style striker calls and both double and triple reed diaphragm calls. Check them out in the FOR SALE section link above
Coyote Howlers
January 2018

Waterfowling is our passion, however we can't hunt them all year long. So we developed a new brand of Coyote Howler calls to help pass the time until next waterfowl season, and help rid the outlining areas of these pesky puppies. Get yours today and help bring in the weary gray dogs!